Multi-Room Audio
Traditionally, "off the shelf" stereo systems are placed in a living/recreation room, serving only that area. Often times large speakers, occupying valuable floor space, would have to be "cranked up" to be heard in adjacent rooms or on different floors. Consumers are often lured to the large electronics retailers by "discount" prices & attractive terms from staff that often times lack the experience to truly "fit" a system to the customer's desires. A custom system can serve any or all of the rooms in a structure, while not using valuable floor space.
This allows the listener to enjoy the music throughout the home or business at an ambient level. It can also provide control over centrally located components remotely, to change from a CD to a radio station to MP3's from a computer or iPod to streaming audio from from the Internet or satellite system. There are many possibilities which can be tailored to the customer's goals and budget.
TeraSol carries a wide variety of products, in every price range, accommodating the entry level, mid and discerning high end buyer.